San Rafael artist riled after nude painting removed from Marin Civic Center gallery
Posted: 04/12/2011 07:19:16 AM PDTUpdated: 04/12/2011 11:30:05 AM PDT
Click photo to enlargeArtist Silvia Cossich Goodman at the Marin Civic Center, April 11, 2011, in San… (Robert Tong)San Rafael artist Silvia Cossich Goodman is up in arms because her painting of a nude was ejected from a Civic Center art exhibition because it offended a county employee.
“Apparently one person working at the Civic Center is so upset about my nude painting that she went straight to human resources and made a big stir to have my painting removed,” Goodman said, decrying “censorship at the Civic Center.”
Mona Miyasato, chief assistant county administrator, noting that art is in the eye of the beholder, said an employee who was offended complained after the exhibit went up last week “about being accosted by the painting every day in the work environment” because her office was near the first-floor gallery.
Because “employees must not feel we’ve created a hostile work environment,” the artist was asked to pick up the painting, Miyasato said.
More from the NCAC here and here. On my previous posts on this issue, see my main post on Cearta, and follow-ups via here.