IALT Seminar and Book Prize
The Irish Association of Law Teachers (IALT) Spring Seminar will take place on Thursday 26 April 2012 next at 6.30pm in the IIIS Seminar Room, Room C6.002, 6th Floor, Arts Building, Trinity College Dublin (map here). Professor William Binchy, Regius Professor of Laws, Trinity College and Professor David Gwynn Morgan, Professor Emeritus of Law, UCC will discuss
Law Reform and Social Transition.
A reception will follow and all are welcome; if you are interested in attending, please email the IALT in advance.
In related news, nominations for the 2012 Kevin Boyle Book Prize for Outstanding Legal Scholarship are now open and will close on 30 April 2012. This prize is awarded to a member of the IALT who has published a book in the twenty four months preceding the closing date that is deemed to have made an outstanding contribution to the understanding of law. The prize will be awarded at the IALT annual conference in Dublin in November.…