Opening up new digital creative space
From last Friday’s Irish Times (with added links):
…Review aims to open up new digital creative space
The Copyright Review Committee is trying to take on board as many viewpoints as possible, writes Karlin Lillington.
… Several successive governments have highlighted digital businesses as an area for major growth in the economy. It’s a sector heavily wooed by IDA Ireland, and also promoted by Enterprise Ireland. But for years, this sector has been critical of Irish copyright law … However, from big multinationals such as Google on down to small indigenous start-ups and individual content creators such as musicians and artists, digital innovators think there’s plenty of room for improvement and argue that this would not only unleash greater national creativity, but would also help drive expansion in the economy. New industries would see Ireland as a good legal environment in which to do business, they say. …
The submissions reflect the interests and concerns of the whole panoply of players across many digital industries … There are submissions from the rights holders, who were concerned to protect copyright; from the intermediaries – the people like Google who are the gateways to the internet – and from the users, the SMEs and entrepreneurs and those trying to do interesting, creative things and who want to consider new business methods, new businesses, and new applications.