Ex tempore: the next word after final appeal
In the internet era, most Supreme Courts worth their salt have attracted high quality dedicated and independent commentary from the blawgosphere. The market leader is probably SCOTUSblog – which, as its name suggests, is a blog about the Supreme Court of the United States – but I also like the charm of Court Artist as well. The Supreme Court of Canada has The Court; the Court of Justice of the European Union has ECJblog; the European Court of Human Rights has Strasbourg Observers; and, right from the off, the UK’s new(ish) Supreme Court has had UKSC blog. Now, the Irish Supreme Court has taken its place amongst this premier league of courts of final appeal.
Paul MacMahon has just started Ex Tempore. He hopes that Ex Tempore will provide a resource for lawyers, academics, law students, and anyone seeking to understand what the Irish Supreme Court does and how it does it. The site provides weekly previews of upcoming cases, keeps watch on relevant High Court developments, and offers commentary on the Court’s decisions. More broadly, Ex Tempore explores the Court’s history, its place in the Irish system of government, and its relationships with other courts.…