Legal Education Symposium, 2009
The Third Annual Legal Education Symposium will be hosted by UCD School of Law in the Quinn School of Business, UCD (pictured left) from 9:30am on Friday 13 March 2009 (the two previous symposia have been blogged here and here).
The morning plenary session, on Teaching Experiences in Legal Education, will be chaired by UCD School of Law’s new Dean, Prof John Jackson, and the speakers will be Prof Avrom Sherr (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies), Dr Marie-Luce Paris-Dobozy (University College Dublin) and Ms Raphael King (McCann Fitzgerald).
The afternoon plenary session, on International and European Perspectives in Legal Education, will be chaired by Prof Blanaid Clarke (University College Dublin), and the speakers will be Dr Attracta Halpin (Registrar, National University of Ireland) and Prof Frans Vanistendael (Katholieje Universiteit Leuven).
Between the plenary sessions, there will be parallel sessions on Experiential Learning, Assessment Techniques & Feedback, Clinical Legal Education, Teaching Foreign Legal Systems and (the one I’m most looking forward to) Blogs, Podcasts, Social Networks, Wikis and other social media.
Kudos to Prof Blanaid Clarke and Dr Marie-Luce Paris-Dobozy for all their hard work in putting this exciting programme together. There is no conference fee, but you must make a booking to reserve a place.…